Elementary School

A paper mache  penguin I made with construction paper and other props. Felt used to make the rose he is holding and gold fabric for his bow tie. Assignment given to me in 4th grade art class. 2013

My favorite animal Emperor penguin, painted on canvas with acrylic paint. Assignment given to me in 2nd grade art class. 2011
Using my 1st grade knowledge of depth perception I created houses, (and sheep!) on a hill. Assignment given to me in 1st grade art class. 2011
Clay tribal panda designed with dots and lines from acrylic paint. Made in a separate art class in the Art Room in Topsfeild MA. 2013

My own hand made of paper strips of modge podge, that then hardened. I decided to go with an ocean theme. I glued seashells and sea creatures all over. Made in a separate art class in the Art Room in Topsfeild MA. 2013

This is a Pablo Picasso inspired continues line drawing, colored with magic markers. Assignment given to me in 1st grade art class. 2010

Using brushes and even my fingers, I created an abstract piece with many bright lively colors. Assignment given to me in 1st grade art class. 2011

With different colors of felt I made a turtle in a frame. All out of felt. Assignment given to me in 1st grade art class. 2011

Inspired by the book Snowmen At Night we made our own version on what we thought snowmen did at night. Using different shades of blue, depth perception, and a toothbrush (to create the snowflakes and white specks) we complete the look. Assignment given to me in 2nd grade art class. 2012

slef potrait


Koi fish made with black glue to outline the fish and water colored paint to make the irregular shapes and designs. Assignment given to me in 4th grade. 2013

Steam Punk Gears made with silver, copper, black, and gold painted cardboard. When you pull the strings the gears turn. Made in a separate art class in the Art Room in Topsfeild MA. 2013